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How to configure Site to Site VPN in checkpoint

Writer's picture: Techclick co_inTechclick co_in

Updated: Jan 19

 How to configure Site to Site VPN in checkpoint -


There are below steps to configure Site to Site VPN into Checkpoint -


We are configuring Site to Site VPN on SITE A ---


Types of VPN terminologies --

 1- Domains

2 - Member

3- Sites

4- Communities

We can  follow the Below Step --

-->> Enable IPSec VPN Blade on Gateway

-->> Define ID Domain

-->> Create Community

-->> Add Rule

 -->> Enable IPSec VPN Blade on Gateway


Go into the General Properties page, in the Network Security tab, select IPsec VPN--


 -->> Create Community--

1- Go into SmartConsole > Security Policies tab, in the Access Tools area, click VPN Communities

2- New icon and select Star Community and create new Star Community and Enter name of Star community

3 - In the Center Gateways area, click the plus icon to add one or more gateways to be in the center of the community

4 - In the Satellite Gateways area, click the plus icon to add peer side external ip address

Go into the Advanced menu and set Renegotiate every

1- IKE phase 1 - Renegotiate every: 1440

2- IPSEC Phase 2 - Renegotiate every: 3600

--->> Add rule <<---

Go into Smart console and policy section and create rule based on our Ips address of Local and remote side-

-->> Define ID Domain -->>

-->> When you create a Check Point gateway object, the VPN Domain is automatically defined as all IP Addresses behind the gateway, based on the topology information


You can manually define the VPN domain to include one or more networks. You must have a Network object or Network Group object that represents the domain

Go into Network Management > VPN Domain

Browse to the object list and click New > Group or Network to define a new group of machines or networks.

-->> Routing <<--

By default, IPsec VPN uses the main IPv4 Address, defined in the General Properties page of the Gateway, for the VPN tunnel connection

please note - if you want to use this IP address for the VPN communication, and it is an external interface, you do not need additional routing


We can configure the Same thing on the Remote side box and make sure Phase 1 and Phase 2 parameter must Identical both side.

Check the VPN status  --


Use some CLI command for troubleshooting VPN issue on Checkpoint-


1- vpn tu launches the TunnelUtil tool, which is used to control VPN tunnels


run #vpn tu and see below output 

********** Select Option **********

(1)  List all IKE SAs

(2)  List all IPsec SAs

(3)  List all IKE SAs for a given peer (GW) or user (Client)

(4)  List all IPsec SAs for a given peer (GW) or user (Client)

(5)  Delete all IPsec SAs for a given peer (GW)

(6)  Delete all IPsec SAs for a given User (Client)

(7)  Delete all IPsec+IKE SAs for a given peer (GW)

(8)  Delete all IPsec+IKE SAs for a given User (Client)

(9)  Delete all IPsec SAs for ALL peers and users

(0)  Delete all IPsec+IKE SAs for ALL peers and users(Q)  Quit


2- vpn shell

3- vpn shell /tunnels/delete/IKE/peer/[peer ip]  - delete IKE SA

4- vpn shell /tunnels/delete/IPsec/peer/[peer ip] - delete Phase 2 SA

5- vpn shell /show/tunnels/ike/peer/[peer ip] - show IKE SA

6- vpn shell /show/tunnels/ipsec/peer/[peer ip] - show IPSEC 


Use Debug Command --


1- vpn debug ikeon|ikeoff  - Debug IKE into $FWDIR/log/ike.elg. Analyze ike.elg with the IKEView tool

2- vpn debug on|off     -- Debug VPN into $FWDIR/log/vpnd.elg. Analyze vpnd.elg with the IKEView tool

3- vpn debug trunc -- Truncate and stamp logs, enable IKE & VPN debug

4- vpn drv stat  -- Show status of VPN-1 kernel module



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